NEW: Fourth Wing Collection>
NEW: Fourth Wing Collection>

"When in Doubt, Go to the Library" Tees are Back!

During National Library Week in April, we partnered with our friends at the Harry Potter Alliance (HPA) in support of their annual Accio Books Campaign. Since 2009, Accio Books has collected over 250,000 books for communities across the globe. This year, HPA mission was to stock a school library in the rural town of Masaka, Uganda and a percentage of Out of Print online sales would help with acquiring and shipping those resources. And we are happy to report that the items going to the Good Shepherd School have shipped!

To celebrate, we are bringing back our "When in Doubt, Go to the Library" adult tees for one week only! These men and women's tees will be available through Tuesday, July 19th.

When in Doubt Go to the Library Harry Potter tees


Read more about National Library Week, the Harry Potter Alliance and our When in Doubt tees here.

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